Monday, April 14, 2008


Today is supposed to be the hottest day of the year for this year, 97 degrees! UGHH! I am so not ready for the heat. The sad thing is that it will only get hotter from here on! I envy everyone who is still in the winter/spring season, I guess the grass is always greener on the otherside...


abbeybutton said...

Erica I will switch you! It snowed last week and was only 54 degrees today! I am so so so so sick of the cold! I want to go outside and play and where cute summer clothes.

Dave Moore said...

I am over the winter. Omaha sucks! We have been in "coat weather" for over 4 1/2 months & it is way over-rated. If it weren't for the fact that I was in school all day, I'd want to slit my wrists. I also hate the PHX heat. I feel for you Erica. Isn't there some place that is mild and not so extreme??
Just a review, too hot, sucks; too cold sucks. In the middle?? Where do I sign? And can I pay in school loans?