Monday, June 9, 2008

Superstition Ranch Market


This post is for my mom and grandma! When they come down to Arizona, they love to go to the market with me. I went there on Friday and the produce was beautiful, and so were the prices! I just had to post this for them! Guess how much I paid for all of this? $11.26!! Some examples of the pricing were: watermelon was .04 a pound, peaches were .44 a pound, cucumbers were 7 for a dollar!
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THE TAASE'S said...

MOVE?? What? That's news to me...when??

The Moore Family said...

Who knows when we will move...someday. It will happen eventually, though!

Kaila said...

I can't believe those prices. I wish we had something like that here. How fun!

The Watts Family said...

So jealous - especially of the watermelon! I did get a pineapple last night for a dollar - what a steal. : )

Sarah S. said...

You are moving?! Way to start a rumor. What's up with that?!

Mr. and Mrs. Smith said...

Holy Crap! I am TOTALLY jealous!!!!!!! Those fruits and veggies look so good and great price! WOW

Samantha said...

Hi Erica!! So fun to catch up!! And PS - in Wyoming, I just bought a cucumber for .50 and a Watermelon (on the smallish size) for $5.00!! You are so lucky!!

Sarah S. said...

Great Sharing Time Erica and Andy! What a supportive wife you are Erica. It was soo soo cute. Maybe if I pay you under the table you guys can do mine for me. Totally kidding. You guys are awesome!

Lacey said...

Ugh! I am so envious of your produce prices! You definitely posted that just make us all jealous, didn't you? Produce her in Cleveland is ridiculous!

Trinity said...

Do you know how much I miss this place?! It costs me 90cents for one cucumber and 3.99 on a watermelon is a sale! Stinkin Nebraska . . .