As my post title says, this past Friday WAS one of the best days ever! We woke up Friday morning (both Andy and I had the day off) and went and picked up these two beauties:

That's right! Our vehicles were in serious need of replacement so we bit the bullet and bought two used Kias, a Spectra for me and a Sportage for Andy. So I guess we are a Kia family now, kind of funny! They are very fun and we don't have the stress of breakdowns anymore since they both have good warranties on them! Yeah!
After we got home we got ready to go out to Florence, AZ to.....COUNTRY THUNDER! That's right, Andy bought us tickets, still a miracle in my eyes! He had to work the rest of the weekend so we only went on Friday, but that was ok because I got to see one of my all time favorites, Timmy McGraw! Andy was a trooper, even though at one time during the concert he said that he was thinking that he would rather be at the dentist...RUDE! Seeing Tim did make me a little homesick for all of my good friends in Idaho. I have so many good memories of Tim McGraw concerts with my friends and sister while we were in high school and college.

Anyways, thank you Andy for the awesome present! You are too good to me!! Not a bad day, huh?
Congrats on the new cars!! Tell andy that I will trade him a fancy mini van for the sportage!!! please! : )
The last time I went to country thunder was when Dallan and I were dating. Glad you had fun even though Andy didn't!
Wow! That is awesome. Chris and I could really stand to do the same thing right about now.
I wondered what happened to your other cars. I thought you may have some out of town visitors or something. In any case, i'm happy for you and am happy to look out see something new in the driveway.
new cars + Tim = love
sweet cars lady! new cars are the best :) so fun to drive and keep clean! awesome you got to see tim in concert too! you were right..THE BEST DAY EVER! ;)
Oh wow! Congrats on the new wheels! :) Hope you are doing well. Miss ya!
Sweet rides!! It is nice not to have to worry about breaking down!! I think cars are over-rated, perhaps I can get a horse to ride all over, they never break down and they are a heck-of-alot less expensive than cars. If I do get a horse, I'll name it "Kia" in your guys' honor.
Fabulous! sounds like you have a lot going on! :) I am jealous, I want to see Timmy! :)
Erica, Hi. I found you on Rebecca's facebook page. I can't believe that we live in the same town and don't get together. We need to sometime. go check out my blog at
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