Friday, April 11, 2008


It has been fun to see our backyard grow with all of the new plants this spring. It is so fun to have "tropical flowers" when you walk out your backdoor. Yesterday while Andy was grilling, I walked around and was amazed at all of the new blooms. Our Passion Vine is in full bloom (see picture) and our Jasmine Vine is just about to bloom! Very fun!


THE TAASE'S said... pretty! How long did that meeting go on after I left? Did I miss anything good?

The Moore Family said...

Nothing important! How was your dinner? Are you going on the hike in the morning? :)

abbeybutton said...

Thats so fun! I was just thinking today maybe I should get some flowers for our porch - but I'm not a huge hanging basket fan, so I am going to have to think about what to do for awhile...

Amy said...

Love the flowers! And I love your blog!! How did you get your layout?